
What is a Purity Ball? .jpg)
The Father Daughter Purity Ball has become a national movement and is now in 48 states with inquiries from at least 17 countries. In the last 8 years the Wilsons have been featured on the Glenn Beck Show, NBC Today Show, ABC World News Tonight, Dr. Phil Show, ABC’s Good Morning America, ABC Primetime, Nightline, TLC, and other local, national, and international news. The Wilsons have also be featured in a two international documentaries on purity and family.
And media print in The New York Times, Marie Claire, Glamour, O Magazine (Oprah), The Economist magazine, USA Today, The Rocky Mountain News, The Denver Post, Citizen Magazine, The Colorado Springs Gazette, Heartlink, Citizenlink, World magazine and Focus on the Family magazine as well as international newspapers and magazines. They have been interviewed on numerous radio programs in the US, Canada, Ireland, Australia and the BBC in London. The Father Daughter Purity Ball has been talked about and discussed on The View, The Tonight Show and other evening news shows.

The Father Daughter Purity Ball is an extravagant event that celebrates the incredibly important father-daughter relationship. The fathers sign a pledge that they will be the example of purity and model integrity for their daughter's lives. The daughters silently commit to live pure lives before God through the symbol of laying down a white rose at the cross. It is a black tie event held at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It begins with a three course dinner and the signing of the covenant by the fathers. After a performance by the Regal Daughters Ballet Company the daughters symbolize their commitment to purity by laying down a white rose at the cross that is the center piece of the evening, and the ball begins!
"How can you measure the value of your eleven year old looking up into your eyes (as you clumsily learn the fox-trot together) with innocent, uncontainable joy, saying, 'Daddy, I'm so excited!' wrote one father in a letter describing his grateful participation. 'I have been involved with the Father-Daughter Ball for two years with my daughters. It is impossible to convey what I have seen in their sweet spirits, their delicate, forming souls, as their daddy takes them out for their first big dance. Their whole being absorbs my loving attention, resulting in a radiant sense of self-worth and identity. Think of it from their perspective: My daddy thinks I'm beautiful in my own unique way. My daddy is treating me with respect and honor. My daddy has taken time to be silly, and even made a fool of himself, learning how to dance. My dad really loves me!"


